Saturation - Nectar 3 Help


Saturation can be used to add subtle warmth or intense distortion to a vocal track. The Saturation module features seven different modes for accentuating harmonics and adding unique color and character to a vocal.


The following parameters are available in the Saturation module panel:


Determines the type of saturation applied to the signal.

The following table outlines the sonic characteristics of the different saturation modes.


Determines the amount of drive applied to the selected saturation mode.

Post Filter

Allows for the reduction of undesirable high frequency content in the processed signal.

Post Filter Notes

  • The high shelf filter in the Saturation module is only applied to the wet (processed) output of the module.
  • Click and drag the filter node up and down to adjust gain.
  • Click and drag the filter node left and right to adjust frequency.

Global Module Controls

The module chain features common controls for each module, including Bypass, Solo, Remove, Reorder, and Wet/Dry Mix.

Global Controls Chapter

To learn more about the module chain and other global controls in Nectar 3, visit the Global Controls chapter.


The Saturation module features two spectrum analyzers and a harmonic highlight display for monitoring the effect of processing.

Spectrum Analyzer

Displays the magnitude (level) of a signal across the frequency spectrum in real-time. The vertical ruler on the left edge of the module panel measures the amplitude of the signal in decibels (dB). The horizontal ruler along the bottom edge of the module panel measures frequency in Hertz (Hz).

Two spectrum analyzers are displayed in the Saturation module: the input to the Saturation module (displayed in dark grey) and the output of the Saturation module (displayed in light grey).

Harmonic Highlights

The harmonic content that is generated and added by the Saturation module is represented by the yellow fill color that appears when playing back audio.

Nectar 3.7.0
